Shenandoah County GOP

Debate Tomorrow
July 18, 2008, 10:54 pm
Filed under: Election 2008

Don’t be surprised if this comes up tomorrow. 

Dead Heat in Virginia
July 18, 2008, 10:52 pm
Filed under: Election 2008, MSM

The latest Rasmussen Report poll is out, and it looks like right now McCain and Obama are dead even in the Old Dominion. Both are tied at 44%, but when leaners are factored in, McCain leads at 48% to 47%. This would appear to prove the conventional wisdom that Virginia will be a battleground this fall. However, some interesting things are going on elsewhere in the poll. 

While McCain has raised his favorability to 64%, Obama is holding at 52%. However, while McCain has held at a 36% unfavorable, Obama is now at 47%, whereas he had 44% last month. This means that while people are continuing to become comfortable with John McCain (including unaffiliateds, who now support McCain by 10%), some of the sheen is starting to wear off Obama.

Obama is pulling out all the stops to win Virginia. However, Virginians by and large are only falling for his charm so much. McCain needs to ramp up his game and remind the generally conservative yet reform-minded people of Virginia why they came to the party in the 90’s. 

This is a good start. 

Morning Round-up

Sorry if this post is a bit bigger than usual, but I was just too busy to post yesterday. However, there’s still nine stories you should know about:

-State Senator Ken Cuccinelli stumped in Staunton at Shoney’s Restaurant Wednesday night. Although the AG race isn’t until next year, I encourage all Republican activists to start looking at the three candidates. 

-Poultry growers in the Valley are speaking out against ethanol subsidies, saying that funding ethanol puts the crunch on their feed prices. Feed costs make up about 70% of their production overhead. 

-Bob Goodlatte is crushing Sam Rasoul in the money race, outraising him roughly 5 to 1. 

-The Virginia Cooperative Extension showed off new equipment in Mount Jackson that injects manure and nitrogen into the ground rather than spreading it on top. 

-Tim Craig of the Washington Post discusses some counties in the state that may be the localities that decide November’s election. 

-There will be no new Christian high school in the county, at least not this fall. 

-The Obama campaign is opening offices in Harrisonburg AND Winchester. 

-New Market will have a meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday to go over their waste disposal plans

-Delegate Todd GIlbert visited Harmony Hall last night. Harmony Hall, a 1754 stone house owned by Belle Grove Plantation, will be one of just a handful of historic houses opened to the public in Shenandoah County when it is completed within the next decade.