Shenandoah County GOP

Veep veep!
July 7, 2008, 8:17 pm
Filed under: Election 2008

Virginia continues to receive a great deal of attention in the search for a vice-president on both sides of the aisle.

On the Democratic side, Senator Webb has decided to take his name out of consideration for the Vice-Presidential spot. Although it might have been nice to have a shot at retaking that Senate seat before 2012, at least that nation will not have to suffer Webb’s brusque and hypocritical style (well, at least until he forces his way on the national stage again). 

Don’t sleep soundly yet, though. Although Webb and Mark Warner have both taken their names off the table, Governor Kaine continues to dance with the prospect.

On the Republican side, Congressman Eric Cantor of the neighboring Seventh District continues to get attention and hints that he may take the jump if asked. Expect Cantor to be a lead surrogate here in Virginia and a key ally (and possible candidate for whip) if McCain does not select him.

UPDATE: Marc Ambrinder reports that there may have been more to Senator Webb’s statement than meets the eye. Though crouched in the language of “service,” it appears that Mr. Webb balked when approached by the Obama team with a request for materials to begin a background search. Webb claimed that he was not prepared to undergo the rigors of such a search again. Perhaps, or perhaps he knows that there’s something out there that the citizens may not approve of.

Interview with RPV Chair Jeff Frederick
July 7, 2008, 8:04 pm
Filed under: General Assembly, MSM, Multimedia, Party Politics

Tertium Quids, a center-right economic think tank  free-market, conservative issue advocacy organization focused on state policies, sat down with recently elected RPV Chairman Delegate Jeff Frederick. Frederick spoke with TQ not just about his reorganization efforts but what the transportation battles in the General Assembly could mean for the party’s direction over the next year. Interesting listen. 

UPDATE: I changed the description of TQ, lest anyone should think they rest in the “mushy middle” of the political sphere. Just a quick glance at the Freedom and Prosperity Agenda on their website shows that they are not the sort to barter their principles away for political gain. 

H/T to Virginia Virtucon

On The Road with Gilmore (and McCain too)
July 7, 2008, 7:55 pm
Filed under: Election 2008, Local Press

Gilmore swung through the Valley today, with a stop in Harrisonburg and Winchester. Apparently the Gilmore campaign planned it so they could have small fundraisers but also small events where the Governor talked about his solutions for working Virginia families. Interesting strategy, particularly when the Governor is working from a distinct disadvantage in terms of dollars. I think we’re beginning to see the street fighter than won two statewide elections in a row. I think Gilmore could very well take off later this summer when Mark Warner is forced to answer for things like failing to follow through on investment funds that he used to bolster his political ambitions

Senator McCain also had an innovative event today, with small business owners gathering in Richmond to praise the Senator’s economic policies. Thing is, the Senator wasn’t there. They WERE joined by AG Bob McDonnell and LG Bill Bolling (expect to see them EVERYWHERE between now and November 2009). 

Attorney General Robert F. McDonnell (R) and Lt. Gov Bill Bolling (R) , two of McCain’s key Virginia surrogates, spoke at the event.

“McCain gets the fundamental truth about the economy, which is you cannot tax your way to prosperity,” McDonnell said.

Christy Swanson, owner of CKB Swanson Inc., also spoke. She told reporters she used to be an Obama supporter, but switched to McCain after hearing him spoke at a recent National Federation of Independent Business convention.

“While I am a Democrat, I am proud to support John McCain for president and looking forward to helping him to victory in November,” said Swanson, who is Asian.

Claudia Garcia Gonzalez, an Hispanic who co-owns of KLM Drywall, spoke to the television cameras in broken English.

“John McCain’s economic plan help company like mine expand and create more jobs,” Gonzalez said.

We’ll have more coverage of today’s Gilmore events in the morning.

UPDATE: NBC 29 has video from the Harrisonburg Stop

And SWAC Girl has pictures. 

Morning Round-Up
July 7, 2008, 8:22 am
Filed under: Morning Round-Up

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Apparently the local media did. Just one story you need to know about:

-Strasburg has named new leaders for its town committees.